Beer & Procrastinating Den

Formally tequila and games…

Tag Archives: dark side of the ring

Still lazy…

I find myself circling back to the same few things and I hardly ever really get anywhere. I tend to make minimal progress when it comes to building this damn campaign. I just have zero desire with anything, let alone that campaign. It’s like I’m allergic to working and being productive, it’s gross.

I’m currently pissing around with:
– a really shitty puzzle some mean friends gave us.
– building our Star Wars 5e campaign
– making mouse, although its always on some sort of hiatus
– for some reason, making a dnd board game/helper thing, I really don’t know what it is.
– making an extra shelf in a built in cabinet, which I haven’t started and have zero drive to do
– yard work (unfortunately its starting to be nice again)

I have lots of things to do, lots of little projects on the go, I just seem to be lazy AF. It’s upsetting. Today, I’ve decided to try and tackle that extra shelf, mainly to get the old lady off my back (haha), and because she was a little angry when I started a puzzle rather than finishing some of the other shit I’ve started.

Pray for me… I need a kick in the rear.

PS. Watch “The dark side of the ring”. I watched a little bit of wrestling growing up, wasn’t religiously into it, but its filled with some crazy stories. So if you watched any pro wrestling in your lifetime, it’s a must watch.